About MedibandPlus

MedibandPlus provides a leading online medical records service:

  1. Emergency information can be accessed by the public, so help can come from anyone, anywhere
  2. A forum for members to share their experiences and open discussions among peers with the same concerns. From time to time medical personnel may be involved.
With future scope for multiple languages you can be assured of premium medical service wherever you are.
Our unique Track and Trace system allows for the emergency responder to send contact details to the member’s emergency contact(s) via email. We also have an emergency phone access service scheduled in an upcoming release.
MedibandPlus is fully backed by Mediband, , the premier supplier of Medical ID wristbands, with their ever-expanding range of in-stock silicone wristbands and ability to customize.
Check the medical profile of a MedibandPlus member here.
Already a member? Login here.
Would you like to be a part of MedibandPlus? Start up a new membership here. Please read all terms and conditions before taking part.
You can customise a wristband with your MedibandPlus membership here. Check out our full range of Mediband products for a total piece of mind.

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