Why Join

Every second in an emergency situation is critical.

Medication errors harm at least 1.5 million people each year. 
Imagine this: You are rushed to the hospital but are unable to provide emergency personnel your medical history. With a few clicks, they access crucial and vital medical history and records online, knowing immediately which treatments not to give. With MedibandPlus, your medical information will be available in an emergency, reducing the possibility of a medication error.

MedibandPlus has many additional benefits which are highlighted below:

  • Medical Records – MedibandPlus enables you to update and edit your medical notes whenever you want, and you can choose the security level of each information field from the public, hospitals only, to private. You can include information such as your Medical History, Allergies, Medications, Immunization log
  • Upload Documents – allows you to upload documents, x-rays, scans or perhaps immunization certificates such as Hepatitis
  • Travel Status – indicates periods of travel such as holidays or business trips and allows you to maintain a record of your itinerary.
  • Emergency Contact – allows you to include the details of family, friends or your GP who will be notified with the emergency responder's contact details when your emergency profile is accessed*.
*emergency responder's details are only sent at their discretion
Check the medical profile of a MedibandPlus member here.
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You can customise a wristband with your MedibandPlus membership here. Check out our full range of Mediband products for a total piece of mind.

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