There are many travel accessories designed to make your life easier. What if there was one that could save it? Whether you're at home or on-the-go, a medical wristband can display important information about your health condition. This can help family members, bystanders and first responders understand the next steps to take in the event of a medical emergency. While there are many ways to personalize yours and make it stand out, there are also critical lines of information that should be on every band. Today, we're sharing the important data to include on yours, as well as how to use your wristband to its full advantage. Ready to learn more? Let's get started!  

Why Use a Medical Wristband?

There are many reasons to invest in a medical wristband. Designed to clearly and quickly communicate your condition to others, it can "speak" for you if you're ever unable to speak for yourself. Do you suffer from a life-threatening medical condition, such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy or multiple sclerosis? If so, any of these can cause a sudden, debilitating event. If you're wearing your wristband, anyone near you can better understand what's going on and how to help. The same applies if you have a special surgical implant that might require immediate attention, including a pacemaker, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac stents. A medical ID wristband can also be used to explain Do Not Resuscitate commands, warn about severe allergies, and explain if you're taking certain medications that could affect your emergency care. In addition to wristbands, you can also create a custom travel sticker to keep your kids as safe as possible when your family is away from home!

What to Include on Your Medical ID Wristband

When it comes to selecting your medical alert bracelet or wristband, you can choose from our wide selection of pre-designed options, with key phrases and important colours already selected for you. Or, you can choose to create your very own custom ID wristband, bracelet, necklace or dog tag. If you go this route, you can select your perfect accessory from a variety of options, including:  
  • Silicone bands
  • Active bands
  • Stainless steel bands
  • Gold bands
Our custom reversible bands offer the most room to expand on your condition, with two available lines on the front and three on the inside. With room to add up to five lines of text, you can squeeze in as much information as possible. However, it's important to prioritize and highlight the most important information as boldly as possible. In addition to wristbands, other must-have travel accessories include luggage tags, keychains, and travel bracelets! While you want to relax and enjoy your trip as much as possible, it's important to keep your condition visible at all times. What should you put on your gear? Let's take a look at some of the most important information you cannot overlook.

Your Name

If you become unconscious or unable to speak, emergency responders will look on your neck and your wrist to see if you're wearing any form of medical identification. These professionals are trained to perform this step because it enables them to learn about your condition before administering care. If you include your name on your wristband, responders can quickly identify and address you while they begin treatment. Are you a caregiver? If so, it's wise to include the name of the person you're currently caring for on your wristband. Running low on space? You can add your first name only. While full names make it easier to locate your medical records, this at least gives personnel a way to communicate with you. If you want to display your best medical alert bracelet as personalized jewellery, you can engrave or print your name on the front of the piece. If you want to preserve your privacy, you can always add it to the inside.

Your Medical Condition

This is the chief reason you're purchasing a medical wristband in the first place! Your medical condition is the most important piece of information on your bracelet, so display it as boldly as possible. This will help direct healthcare professionals on the type of treatment you should receive during a medical emergency. From bleeding disorders to pregnancy, there are myriad conditions that could affect the medicine you can take, surgical procedures you can undergo, and more. If space is limited and you need to abbreviate your condition, make sure to use abbreviations that the medical community recognizes and understands. Along with the official name of your medical condition, you can also list any restrictions that might apply, including:
  • Specific medical tests
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Medical procedures (e.g. MRI)
  • Use of contrast dyes
Not sure which information is the most critical to include? Talk to your physician before ordering to make sure you cover your bases.

Regular Medications

Your medical ID wristband should also include the names of any medications that you take on a regular basis to help treat your medical condition or keep it at bay. Why is this important? Emergency personnel might need to administer medication when they arrive at the scene, and there are certain drugs that can cause dangerous and life-threatening reactions if they interact with others. While you don't need to include every medication that you take on a temporary basis, such as seasonal allergy pills, you do need to list any ongoing ones, including:

Emergency Contact Information

Finally, don't forget to include a way for medical personnel to get ahold of your emergency contact or caregiver. It's especially important to add an In Case of Emergency (ICE) line for the following individuals:
  • Children
  • People with autism
  • People with dementia
First responders should be able to call your contact to receive important medical or support information. Make sure to select someone who will be available and willing to supply that data at a moment's notice. This might include a parent, doctor, close relative or neighbour.

Design Your Own Medical Wristband Today

Now that you know the key data to include on your medical wristband, are you ready to create one of your own? If so, we'd love to help. We offer a range of custom ID bracelets, necklaces, badges, wallet cards, keyrings and other accessories designed to help make your condition as visible as possible. Create your own design and rest assured that you're protected, whether you're at home, school, work or vacation! Contact us today to learn more and get started today.